Short classes
- (2022) The Carpentries - “Instructor Training”
- (2020) vISEC2020 - “Level-up your R package” short course
- (2020) Republic Polytechnic - Agriculture Technology
- (2019) SkillsFuture@PA - Unisex Hair Cutting Course Module 2
- (2018) Google - Google Cloud Platform OnBoard Singapore
- (2018) General Assembly - Machine Learning using Python
- (2018) CodingGirlsSG - Basic Android App Development
- (2017) SP PACE - Preparatory Mathematics for University
- (2017) SP PACE - AutoCAD 2016
- (2017) NUS ISS - Predictive Analytics
- (2017) Intellisoft - Microsoft Excel 2016 VBA (Macro) Training
- (2016) NUS ISS - Building Enterprise Applications Using Java EE
- (2016) ATBC - Advanced Linear Modelling
- (2012) California Academy of Sciences - Ant Course at Mackere Research Station, Uganda
Online courses
- (Sep 2022) Coursera - Google IT Support Certificate Credley
- (Sep 2022) Coursera - Google IT Automation with Python Credley
- (Aug 2019) Udacity - AWS Fundamental course in the AWS Machine Learning Scholarship
- (Jan 2019) Udacity - Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch
- (Oct 2020) Coursera - Cloud Engineering with Google Cloud Specialization Certificate (5 courses) for Associate Cloud Engineer FWAA3HXSEMUE
- (Apr 2017) DataCamp - Data Analysis in R, the data.table Way Course 2811586
- (Apr 2017) DataCamp - Object-Oriented Programming in R: S3 and R6
- (Mar 2017) DataCamp - Writing Functions in R 2714109
- (Dec 2016) Udemy - Best Practices in Document Management UC-IAWC2L00
- (Dec 2016) Udemy - Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 UC-722A69FD
- (Dec 2016) Udemy - Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide UC-V0EXY7PK
- (Dec 2016) Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp UC-25GFPF3I
- (Nov 2016) Coursera - Good Clinical Practice (GCP) UC-3WAU3XGY
- (Jun 2015) Coursera - Exploratory Data Analysis 45UTBQ7DP5
- (Jun 2015) Coursera - Getting and Cleaning Data G6NKZUB4YH
- (Jun 2015) Coursera - Reproducible Research VMAKUBXHTY
- (May 2015) Coursera - R Programming 6478L79K52
- (May 2015) Coursera - The Data Scientist’s Toolbox 7ZJ649EKWJ
Photography and videography
- Github, where my code is posted
- Codecademy, where I pick up basics of programming languages
- Qwiklabs1, where I learn cloud tech stuff
- Qwiklabs2, same as preceding but a newer account
- Datacamp1, where I learn data-related stuff
- Datacamp2, same as preceding but a newer account
- Code katas, to practise coding
- Udemy, extra courses (TODO: link seems to be defunct, will check with Udemy)